For up to date information on available placements for Adults with Learning Disabilities, aged 18 and over, please contact us. You may find it convenient to contact us via our online enquiry form or requesting a call back. *Please note that any email address or telephone number you provide will only be used to deal with your enquiry and for no other purpose. Further details below:
Current Availability

- Regular Admittance – available in 1 week
- Emergency Admittance – available in 2 days (Conditions apply – Please contact us for more information)
Room Suitability
- The ground floor room is suitable for adults with mild or severe learning disabilities whom have any difficulty with mobility, climbing stairs or require wheelchair access.
- The first floor room is suitable for adults with mild or severe learning disabilities whom are fully mobile and able to use stairs without requiring support. It is not suitable for any persons whom have difficulties with mobility or whose condition require high level of care or 1-1 caring.
- Room door can be closed/ locked for privacy
Room Details
- Furniture includes: Bed (pillow, duvet & bedding available on request), chest of drawers and wardrobe.
- Ensuites include electric shower, toilet, sink, bathroom storage and mirror.
- Wifi – cost included with care package
- Central Heating
- Possibility to paint room colour of choice
- Own choice of bedroom furniture and curtain or lighting.
- Customisation may incur additional cost
Fire safety
- Networked fire alarm
- Fire door
- Automatic door closer
- Door guard
- Routine cleaned by staff
- Maintenance & upkeep
- Service cost included in Care package